Business Solutions

Business Solutions

Here at Van Winkle Associates, we offer a wide array of services to help business owners address their financial needs at every stage of the business life cycle. Taking into account their personal values and financial goals, we create and execute customized plans to help entrepreneurs meet their objectives. Some of our key services are detailed below.

Executive Benefits

The success of most businesses is tied into the talent, passion and work ethics of their key executives. Executive benefit packages can help you attract, motivate, and retain high-caliber employees and keep your company healthy and stable. We can help you with non-qualified plans, supplemental employee retirement plans, split dollar plans, and more.

Key Person Insurance

Key person life insurance offers a death benefit that indemnifies an employer for the loss of one of its most important assets - the key person. This can help assure continuity of the business for employees, customers and creditors, and protects against losses in sales, momentum, and credit. It can also be used to recruit and develop a replacement for the employee.

Buy-Sell Agreements

A buy–sell agreement is a legally binding agreement between co-owners of a business that governs the situation if a co-owner dies or leaves the business, whether by force or by choice. A funded cross-purchase buy-sell plan utilizes life insurance to ensure that the arrangement is properly funded so that there will be money when the event is triggered.


Deferred Compensation

Deferred compensation is a written agreement between an employer and an employee where the employee chooses to have part of his or her compensation withheld by the company, invested on their behalf, and distributed back to them at a pre-determined point in the future. Deferred compensation can be used as a flexible way to attract and incentivize key employees.

401 (k) Plan Analysis and Development

We will evaluate your organization’s benefit plan needs, benchmarking against the industry norms. We will work closely with you to tailor a plan to your current business objectives and help you implement the changes with your staff.

Group Medical Benefits

VWA Financial will help you coordinate all aspects of your open enrollment period to ensure a stress free and successful season. This includes facilitating employee communications, helping with benefit interpretation, and resolving any other issues that may occur.


Van Winkle Associates is a Boutique Family Financial Services Firm founded in 1979.


Advise individuals and businesses to create, grow and preserve wealth and manage benefits through financial and insurance solutions.


Partnering with Fortune 100 companies and leveraging our decades of experience and relationships to deliver results and success for our clients